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New York - Day 2

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Day 2 started super early for me, as early as 4 am. Jet lag is definitely
a bit** and my black under eye circles have never been bigger.

To beat the jet lag a little bit, we had breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien,
wonderful cafe/ restaurant which serves all organic food.
I'm SO impressed with the taste of food, it tasted like no other. Wow!
I can definitely recommend this place.

Right after, we went to Victoria's Secret store on Herald Square and
that was yet another piece of heaven on earth :)
It took me a while to check through all the perfumes, body lotions, mists,
underwear and such... I didn't leave the story empty handed, that's for sure!

Next location on the must-visit list was Empire State building. The view from
86th floor is just breathtaking that it's totally worth standing in line and
waiting to get up there and see the city in all of it's beauty.

Some more shopping followed after that and then it was time to go to
Magnolia bakery on Bleecker St. to try those famous cupcakes that
everybody loves so much.
It was very special moment to enter this bakery, since it's the exact same
one which Carrie Bradshaw went to get her cupcakes.
Naturally, I went around the corner to Perry St. and found her apartment
building too which looks very beautiful from the outside.
If I could, I would right away move to Perry St. 66. It's just perfect in my opinion.

After that mission was completed we went to check out my art work at Agora Gallery
and it was an amazing moment to see 7 of my works hanging on the gallery's walls.
I'm looking forward to next Thursday and opening reception.

I also had a meeting after that, did some shopping at Sephora and walked back to
the hotel. Right now I'm so fried that I need to just chill and try to get more sleep this night.

Good night/ Good morning everyone :)

                                            Le Pain Quotidien

Victoria's Secret

Empire State building/ View from 86th floor

In front of The Magnolia Bakery

Perry St. 66

One of 7 of my art works

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