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New York - Day 1

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Well, not exactly day one, but practically - yes.
I'm finally in New York city! After 6600 km, 1 hour long waiting lines at
customs and border control, 40 minutes of taxi ride and 25 hours of no
sleep, I'm in the Big Apple and I'm super happy about it!
I haven't seen much, not even around the hotel, but I did go to Macy's to
keep myself awake by all the lights, noise and music blasting from everywhere.
I got some new cosmetics which I can't get back at home, so I'm quite happy
with my purchases for today :)

Tomorrow will be more eventful day and much more sight seeing orientated.
Now I'm finally going to bed and will hopefully catch up with sleep.

Here're couple of photos which I took so far.

Have a good day everyone!

                                             Finnair business lounge

ready to take off

waiting on my 1st yellow cab :)

getting closer to manhattan

beautiful view from my hotel room


Hot dogs and pretzels 

Good night

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