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Bye bye 2014!

Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

Finally 2014 is at it's end and I must admit that I'm more
than happy to let this year go.
I have high hopes and plans for 2015 and will do everything
to make it an amazing and memorable year.
I feel that 2014 was a huge turning point kind of year for me,
while it def, had it's highs, the lows were so low that at some
point I have felt as if I was just banging my head against the wall
and being stuck in a circle without any clue how to move forward.
I did learn a lot from this past year and am going to value these lessons
for forever because they've helped me to see clearer and get to know
( and appreciate ) myself so much better.

I'd like to wish you all a great year ahead and that it will bring
you everything good and wonderful that 2014 didn't.


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