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Outfit post - Shades of cool

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Hello Monday and goodbye holidays...
This is my first work-mode day and my little daughter starts
her preschool as well, so bye-bye waking up late and spending
full days just roaming the hometown or cities of Europe :)
It was such a great Summer, full of beautiful and relaxing moments.

This past weekend we took a family road trip through mid Finland and
that was a really lovely experience.
In 7 years of living in Finland, I can now say that I have traveled a lot in
this country and saw it from North to South, West to East.

Here's an outfit which I wore yesterday when we went for a walk after
we've arrived back to Helsinki. My butt was hurting from so much time
spent sitting in the car that I was craving a nice, long walk so much! :D

I hope that all of you had great weekend too and are ready to cease the
new working week with charged batteries!

I'm wearing: Jeans & top - Mango, Bag - Mansur Gavriel, Shoes - Vagabond,
Sunglasses, earrings & ring - HOH1960, Bracelets - Accessorize, Belt - &otherstories

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