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Special day!

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Good Thursday everyone!!

I've been a bit quiet on my blog lately. I feel that this year started
way too hectic for me + my flat still looks like a big dumpster thanks
to all the renovation that is taking longer than what I have thought it
would. All of my things are either in boxes or in some messy corner inside
these 80 square meters. It's easy to loose your inspiration when it comes
to clothing, so I just put on the first thing I find in the morning and try
that the outfits don't look completely miss-matched.
Next week I'll be on a trip to Zagreb so I will have more time and inspiration
to post new interesting posts, so bare with me for a few more days :)

You can always follow me on my Instagram profile for daily updates
on my life and things that surround me.

Today is such a special day! My beautiful daughter, my little angel turned
5 years old today! It's incredible how time flies by so fast and she has grown
into such a little lady with her own personality. I can't describe how happy
and blessed I feel to have her in my life, she's everything to me...

I would like to wish you a fantastic day and I hope that the weather in your
city isn't as cold as it is in Helsinki.

Here's an Insta diary for you guys, I just love using this app on daily basis.

                                          My little birthday girl!!

Blogging and having a business meeting @ Cafe Strindberg

Shoes I've been lusting over - Rachel Zoe flats 
and Marc by Marc Jacobs espadrillas

I had an interview w/ one Russian website, 
more about this soon

I love to be on the go!

Workout always puts me in a great mood

First snow finally came to Helsinki

My city

Food porn

- Sunn  restaurant

- Fuku sushi bar

-Esplanadi cafe

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