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Croatia - Days 3,4 and 5

Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Time really flies by so fast, esp. when you're having a good time!
This holiday was just what I needed, lots of sun, sea, fresh air and
many hours of sleep.
We went to newly opened Aquarium in my old hometown Sibenik
and it was such a pleasant experience.
Even though the city is small, this lovely little Aquarium can compete
with some aquariums/ Sea Lifes which I've seen around the Europe.

Also, one of these days we've played mini golf and of course I won,
just like I do every year :D
It was so much fun and I'm planning on doing it again next week.

Today we went for pizza and it was sooo delicious! One of the most
delicious pizzas I ever had!
The location of the restaurant is perfect, it's by the beach with the
perfect sea view and it has such a casual vibe that you can basically
come straight from the beach in your swimwear, grab a pizza and
go back to the beach :)

On our everyday menu is a-must-have ice cream, the Italian style one
and so far the best tasting ones are coconut, stracciatella and
yoghurt-strawberry :)

Tomorrow is the day for the cinema and Dispecable Me 2! Yay!

                                beautiful details of Sibenik's St. Jacob cathedral

with my best childhood friend 

jewelry I got for myself and some as presents

Aquarium Sibenik

Round of mini golf :)

Pizza time!! Yummy!!! 

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