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My everyday life via Instagram

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Happy Sunday everyone!!

Last couple of days were really hectic for me and the following
7 days won't be an exception but I'm happy for having filled schedule
because I'll have 12 days of holidays coming after that ;)
I hope that you're also taking a Summer holiday somewhere nice and sunny
and if you're not I wish you a nice and relaxing Sunday with a good kick
off Monday tomorrow!

Here's an Instagram diary for all of you to get an insight into my everyday
life. If you wish to follow me daily on Instagram click HERE!!!
Google Reader is shutting down tomorrow, so please do follow me on BLOGLOVIN'

Here's what I've been up to for the past month or so:

                                              Scored these beauties (last in my size)

Post gym meal :)

I've been to amusement park with my family

I'm in love with Japanese cuisine!

Invitations to my 1st US exhibition @ NYC

We had exceptionally great Summer weather this year :)

Celebrating 5 years anniversary - cake + roses 

Estee Lauder love!

Visiting ZOO is always a great idea!

New in from Kenzo and Alexander McQueen

Dining at Garlic restaurant

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