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My iPhone photo diary

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Even before I found out that I wanted to be a professional
photographer I loved finding small details that surround me
and photograph them. I love photos no matter if they're taken
by a professional camera or by iPhone for instance.
Photographs are a beautiful memory, many times for me it's like
a slideshow of my life which always awake the most honest and
deepest feelings inside of me :)

Enjoy my little iPhone diary!

                                     my latest purchases (beauty products)

                                   fresh pink roses on my dining table

                                 visiting Natural history museum

                                  my daughter's "party" hands :)

                                smoked vegetable soup at Garlic restaurant

                                    Toys exhibition at Art museum, Helsinki

                                                    Nightwish show

                                                        Marni at H&M

                                                taking a walk outside

                                                         bracelets <3

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