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Trying out

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

I've been using KEUNE hair products for about 10 years now, so I
want to change my hair products and try out MACADAMIA NATURAL OIL
hair products.
First time I've tried these products at my hairdresser's saloon and I liked the
effect it had on my hair, so I've ordered bunch of stuff from Amazon UK, since
they don't sell Macadamia stuff here in Finland.
Macadamia Natural Oil are high quality hair products which are color safe,
sulfate and paraben free.

These are the products that I'm testing right now:
( there're many options for all products how big amount you want to use)





Another "thing" that I'm testing is TALIKA cosmetics, to be more precise,
product is Lipocils Expert for eyelashes. It gives you longer, darker lashes
with nice curl. I have never used any similar products for my eyelashes and
I don't use mascara much, but from too much stress and esp. after giving birth
I have realized that my eyelashes were falling off much more than ever before
and now they're still long, but not that thick like before.
90% costumers left great feedback on this product and another + to this product is
that it has no side effects.
I've been using it for 2 days now and still have to use it for another 26 days to
see the first results.

Which hair or eyelash products are you using??

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