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Outfit post - Through my lenses

Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Good Monday my dear readers!

Huh, what a week it's been for me!? Insane!
It all started over a week ago when I got "mild" food poisoning
and a wisdom tooth-ache. Ever since then I've been suffering all
sorts of stomach and jaw/ tooth pains. I've been taking antibiotics
and painkillers and all of that made me so sleepy that every day I
went to bed latest by 9pm :O
Evenings are when I'm the most productive and when I get enough time
to take care of some blog/ photography, etc. related tasks that I don't get
to solve during the day, so I've got waaaay behind on everything thanks
to sleeping "too much".

Also, lately I've constantly had this feeling that I just can't keep up with
some things/ plans I've put on my schedule. I feel very overwhelmed
and very often hopeless. Working for yourself and working from home
sometimes can be very confusing and leave you feeling helpless...
Then again, I'm a fighter and after a good cry on my husband's shoulder
I feel ready to cease the day and tackle my problems one by one :)

When it comes to my outfit... Well, not the most fortunate thing happened
when we were about to shoot them. The super expensive/ pro lens just fell
on the ground and got smashed! As it seems, it wasn't attached properly
after I've switched it back on my last photo shoot.
BUT! The day was very nice and sunny and I got to wear one of my favourite
maxi skirts :)

How have you been my dear girls? What do you think of my outfit?

I'm wearing: Sandals - Vagabond, Skirt - Winter Kate, Top - Acne, Bag - Celine,
Sunnies, ring and necklace - HOH1960, Bracelets - JCrew

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Outfit post - Waiting

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Can't believe how the time flies by so, SO fast!
It's already Thursday and in less than a week I'll be on my 
Summer holidays - YIHAAAA!! 
My holidays will start by going to London next week where 
I'll have an exciting photo shoot with one beautiful girl, but more 
about that later, so stay tuned for that :) 

I'm still lacking some of the props and clothes for the photo shoot, 
so I have to take care of that today. 

The weather is just not getting any better in Helsinki, so my outfit is 
more suitable for Fall or early Spring, but what can I do? I didn't feel 
like freezing for today's outfit post :D 

I'm now off to run some errands and later today I'll be visiting a friend 
so I better get going in order to accomplish everything I've planned to 
for today. 

Have a great Thursday everyone and take care!

I'm wearing: Ballerinas - Marc By Marc Jacobs, Bag - Mansur Gavriel, 
Jeans, top and cardigan - Zara, Scarf - Burberry, Earrings - Chanel, Ring - HOH1960

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Outfit post - I surrender

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Once again, it's already Monday, new working week has
begun and I hope that you're having a great one so far!
We had a pretty long weekend of holidays as Finnish people
have a celebration called Midsummer and that's when 90%
of the country "moves" to their summer cottages with their
families and friends and have a big get together, grill feast and
they burn so called Midsummer fire :)
We didn't this celebration, but instead we went to visit our friends
to have a playdate with kids, indoor picnic and also went to check out the
little fishes in our much loved Sea Life.
One of the things that we did was to go to one of few restaurants that were
open during the weekend and I ended up getting a mild food poisoning.
Yuck! I won't be going back there and it used to be one of my favourite
restaurants before.

However, it's officially Summer now, but Helsinki is still not blessed with
sunny and warm weather. It's been chilly and rainy for over 2 weeks now
and I can't see the end to this weather.
I'm SO looking forward to my summer holidays which will start in about
a week. Beach, sea, sun ---> here I come!!

Here's an outfit in which I almost froze while taking these photos, but I wanted
to show you a summery outfit. What's the point of showing you my layered
outfits since they aren't any attractive or inspiring for summer!?

Have a great day girls!

I'm wearing: Sandals - Tommy Hilfiger, Shorts & necklace - Zara, Coat - Muotikuu,
Top - Filippa K, Bag - Celine, Sunglasses - Sheriff&Cherry, Earrings, ring & cuff - HOH1960

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Summer outfit ideas

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Hello everybody!! Happy Summer!!
It's officially summer but somehow this year, there's no summer
in Finland and who knows if it will ever decide to stop by because
it's been so cold for so long now that I have already gave up the idea
that it will ever warm up so I'm anxiously waiting for my summer holidays
which will start in less than 2 weeks.

I have decided to create three different, simple summer outfits to give
you an idea what to pack into your suitcase if you'll be travelling to some
nice beach resort this summer.

Let me know what you think of these and which one is your favourite? :)

Enjoy the weekend folks!

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*beach time outfit

*strolling through the city outfit

*going out/ fancy dinner outfit

Outfit post - Change is coming

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Hello Wednesday and hello dear readers!
I hope that this week has been treating you well so far.
My week kicked off pretty excitingly! I did a whole new conceptual
photo shoot and the photo shoot was quite fast, but the whole "preparation"
around it was so stressful.
I won't go into details because that would take for forever, but we did
have a flat ( or should I say exploded ) car tire, got rained on, had to carry
lots of heavy props, lost some props on the way, got our clothes/ shoes dirty,
but it was all SO worth it in the end.
That's an interesting thing with the photos... Not everybody knows how much
time and effort it takes to get just that one perfect shot.
However, I'm very happy with the outcome and I will share two ready photos with
you in this post.

Now onto the title of this post! I have already mentioned in one of my earlier
posts that I'll be attending a school this year to improve my technical skills
as a photographer and now I can proudly tell you that I've applied and have been
accepted to New York Film Academy and will be studying there for a short but
very intensive course in photography.
I'm so EXCITED!!! about this opportunity and can't wait to for a little while
relocate to my favourite place in the world - The Apple :)
My blog will be a perfect little diary for you guys to keep track on how my life
changes by taking this important step.

One more thing... Oh this darn Finnish weather!? It's mid of June and the temp.
are equal to the ones in March. It's chilly, rainy and I just can't wait anymore for
my Summer holidays.
I'll tell you more about my future travelling plans in one of the next posts.

I'm wearing: Sneakers - New Balance, Jeans - Zara, Shirt - J Crew, Cardigan - Diesel,
Earrings - Tory Burch, Scarf - Kenzo, Bag - Chanel, Ring - HOH1960, Bracelet - Balenciaga

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Here're two ready photos from the latest photo shoot

Outfit post - Love me, love me not

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Good Monday everybody!

The sun is shining and I've recharged my batteries over the weekend, which
were in a HUGE need of that. I have a new photo shoot today and with
this photo shoot I'm kicking off a new cycle of photos. Can't wait to
see where this is going to take me. Every new cycle took me a step
further and closer to my dreams.

Lately, I've had this constant feeling of being stuck in one place (work wise)
and not knowing what step to take next, what task to take care of first...
Everything just looked so confusing and like a bunch  of hard tasks to deal with
that I really needed to take a step back, set my goals and priorities straight in order
to be able to function properly again.

I'm an overachiever and a perfectionist, but at times I get too lost in trying
to achieve so much in a short time and I set my expectation bars too high.
Not to mention that I'm also trying to juggle the work life and family life
at the same time.
Sometimes it's better to "bite" on smaller goals and then take a shot at few
bigger ones, rather than just being completely swallowed by too high goals
which are usually impossible to achieve in such a short time that for example
I expect them to be reached.

Are you also often too hard on yourself and expecting bit too much of whatever
it is that you're doing? How do you deal with setting the goals and not "burning out"
while working towards them?

To finish this post on a lighter note, here's an outfit which I like very much and which
I couldn't wait to shoot yesterday as the weather got so much nicer and sunnier.
What do you think of these pants? Aren't they so pretty? :)

I'm wearing: Shoes - Unisa, Pants - Asos, Blouse - Zara, Bag - Rebecca Minkoff,
Sunnies - Marc by Marc Jacobs, Ring - Deni design, Bracelet - Balenciaga,
Earrings - Tory Burch

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Outfit post - Alice and Olivia

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Good Wednesday afternoon everyone!!
It's finally a sunny and warm day in Helsinki and sure have
enjoyed it very much :)
My morning started by going to the bank and paying a deposit
for the school I'm going to attend this coming Fall.
I won't tell you yet much about it, but I'm so excited to share more
sometime soon because this is a very big wish of mine and it's
going to come true.

Tomorrow is reserved for a workout in the morning, some work and
taking care of few errands I've been putting off for a couple of days now.
One of the main errands that needs to be taken care of is to get all of
the props for my upcoming photo shoot next Monday.
Yep, after a short break which started just before the exhibition opening,
I'm now ready for new photo shoots and I can't wait to share them with you :)

Here's an outfit which I wore over the last weekend to these b-day parties
that I've mentioned in my previous post.
I got this dress from Alice and Olivia store in NYC last Summer and I wore
it only few times. I love it, it's absolutely perfect dress in my mind!

What are you/ have been up to today?

I'm wearing: Shoes - Calvin Klein, Dress - Alice & Olivia, Clutch - Mango,
Earrings - Chanel, Ring&cuff - HOH1960

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Outfit post - Chanel

Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Good Monday morning everyone!!
How was your weekend? Tell me all about it, I love
hearing from you :)

I had a lovely weekend, Saturday was all about unpacking
from the London trip, washing, drying and ironing tons of
clothes and also meeting a friend of a friend which happened
to be in Helsinki for a workshop all the way from Croatia.
So cool, world is such a small place :)

Yesterday, Sunday was reserved for two kids' birthday parties
and it was so nice to be part of them. Just that excitement and
happiness that kids have on their birthday parties is "infectious"
in a good way and it reminded me how little you actually need
to be happy and feel special :)

Today, I have some errands to run and clean my apartment, but
hopefully later I can go for a nice walk to the nearby park in my
neighbourhood and have a cup of tea or something.
The weather hasn't been so good in Helsinki ( and not in London
either ) so I can't wait for the summer holidays and lots of beach time.

Here's a new outfit post which I wore on Saturday. As I've mentioned,
the weather wasn't so good, so I had to layer the clothes and wear the
long sleeves so that I don't get too cold :/
Chanel bag is a new addition to my family of favourite bags and it was
a present from my husband for our upcoming anniversary.
Time flies so fast, it's crazy!

Have a great day dear ladies!!

I'm wearing: Shoes - Asos, Jeans & cardigan - Diesel, Bag - Chanel,
Top - Bash, Blazer - MMM for H&M

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London diary

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Hello my dear readers!
I came back from London and I can't wait to already go back
for some more adventure :) It's absolutely impossible to do everything
you want to/ have in plan to do in London in only 4 days, esp. if you're
travelling with a little child, like I did.
However, we did managed to do a lot of things and see some amazing
places. I'm so thankful for a possibility to travel and discover some new
places that for me, were existing only in the newspapers or internet :)

First day of the trip was the day of arrival too, so we didn't had much time
for anything, except getting a little bit lost in Soho and going for a dinner
to a Michelin star restaurant Yauatcha.
Dim sums are out of this world delicious as well as their noodles! Next time
when I go there I'll def. try out their cakes which look like a little masterpieces :)

When we woke up next morning, we went to our favourite spot for breakfast,
Le Pain Quotidien! All of their food is so  healthy, organic and they have great
options for vegetarians.

Next, we were onto a shopping trip/ sightseeing of the city before we finally
ended up at Jamie Oliver's Italian for lunch. The place was nice and was easy
to find, but the food was nothing spectacular. I was expecting more from his
restaurant, but maybe some other of his restaurants are better than the one I've
been to on Piccadilly Circus.

The rest of the day was dedicated to some more shopping and sightseeing
as well as a trip to Harrods for a cake at Laduree :)

Third morning kicked off by going to see London Aquarium, London Eye,
Big Ben and Houses of Parliament. They're all located next to each other,
so it was very easy to check all of them on the same trip.
London Aquarium was really amazing! I love going to these kind of places
and this aquarium was so impressive! I've never seen that big sharks or
fishes in my life :)

For lunch we chose to go to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant Maze Grill.
The food was everything I have hoped for and even more :)
He truly is a food god!

Some more sightseeing and strolling through the city ended our day 3 on our
London adventure.

Morning of day 4 started at Le Pain Quitidien and then continued by taking
a sub from Oxford Circus to Madame Tussauds. I have been to NYC one
and was very much looking forward to check out the London one.
It was great and def. worth the visit.

We had lunch at vegetarian Indian restaurant Woodlands and everything
was perfect. I liked it a lot.
After the lunch we went to the biggest toy store Hamley's for some unique
toy shopping experience :) Little one was so impressed and happy to shop there!

We did some more sightseeing of the city after the toy shopping. We were still
supposed to have a dinner at a special restaurant but then decided to skip it as we
were all pooped out from walking for hours and hours every day of our trip and
we had an early wake up call the next morning.

Here're some photos from the trip :)

                                             Our comfy hotel room

Dinner at Yauatcha

A look at London from the cab

Big Ben and Houses of Parliament

At Maze Grill

London Aquarium

Jamie Oliver's Italian 

New Bond st. and Regent st. were great for shopping

Madame Tussauds

Shopping at Chanel on New Bond st.

Laduree cafe at Harrods

Early flight back home

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