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Swedish Hasbeens shoes

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Lately, very popular shoes in fashion and blogger circles are Swedish Hasbeens.
Very comfortable and long lasting shoes which are hand made out of natural
materials. Craftsmanship is very kind to nature and people.
Hasbeens are one of Swedish fast growing fashion brands and it's possible
to buy them in 15 countries.
In 2008. Hasbeens were awarded for the trend of the year in Sweeden on
annual Trend Award Gala in Stockholm.
This year, Swedish Hasbeens have teamed up with H&M and have released capsule
collection for them.
You can get your pair of those Hasbeens for 45€ per pair, when the original price can
go up to 334€ per pair.




It's been 7 days since I have started this blog and I'm more than happy
and thankful that people are actually interested to read my blog.
So far, it's been viewed 1 385 times and the most of views come from USA,
Finland and Russia.

Here are the statistics:

United States
United Kingdom

Thank you everybody for support and for reading my blog.
This blog really makes me happy and this is something that
I do for my soul and if you like what I'm writing about, then
there's no better situation :D

Today's look

Today was a bit gloomy day, so I decided to put on something "bright" on
and there's no better choice than red color on my flats and bed jacket :)
If you want to buy the same bed jacket go to: BOUTIQUE TO YOU

I'm wearing: Bed jacket - Winter Kate, Top - Asos, Skinny jeans - Diesel,
Ballerina flats - Nilson, Earrings & Ring - Accessoriez

Beauty products of my choice

It took me a LONG time to find the right products for my face and body.
I'm really pleased with the ones that I have now and I'm not planning on
changing them that soon.
I would like to show you which beauty products I'm using, so if you're
still searching for the right product for yourself or just want to try something
new, maybe I'll give you a good idea :)
I'm 23 years old, so the products such as facial cream that I'm using
has no age limit.

Let's start with my savior LA MER

Creme De La Mer has saved my skin is so many ways that no other cream ever did.
I have tried so many different products with wide rage of prices, from the very cheap
ones to the most expensive ones.
This turned out to be the best one for me!

I'm using :

This is great cream, because you can use it twice a day, as your morning
and as your night cream. The best part is that you need only small amounts of
this cream to apply over your face.
First you have to warm it up between your palms and then gently tap it over your
You can also use it around the eye area, but La Mer have also around the eyes cream.
If you visit their homepage, I would suggest you to check the section "10 reasons to believe".

                                                                 CLEANSING FOAM

                                                          OIL ABSORBING TONIC

                                                                         THE MIST


I love Body Shop's products for the body. I'm addicted to their body butters.
These are the products that I'm using:

Since I'm living in Scandinavia and we can have very cold Winters, it's very
important to have really good hand cream.
My pick would be Norwegian brand NEUTROGENA. It protects my hands from
getting dry and "ruined" by the cold weather/ strong Winter wind.

I like to use roll deodorant and classic NIVEA one is my favorite.

When it comes to fondations/ powders I'm using Lancome products.
They're my favorite. LANCOME

I've been using many different mascaras and I was very pleased by
Lancome and Chanel ones, but right now my favorite is Giorgio Armani
Megan Fox's eyes. GIORGIO ARMANI

For the blusher, I'm using M.A.C M.A.C

My favorite lipstick is the one and the only Chanel. Rouge Coco Gabrielle
is the one!  CHANEL

Same goes for the nail polish! Chanel's Rouge Noir is the one I'm using right now.

When it comes to eye shades, I'm barely ever using them, so I'm not
really qualified to talk about it, but so far I've been using Lancome
eye shades.

Floral print dresses

Kamis, 28 April 2011

My favorite time of the year is Summer! I get to wear my favorite clothing pieces
and they're dresses. If they're floral print dresses, then I feel like a princess wearing them. 
Floral print is so romantic and also has vintage feeling in it. 
As with all of the other posts, I would like to post my favorite finds. 

Here we go:

Flip-flops ( beach sandals )

Did you know that first flip-flops have appeared in America, in 19th century!?
They were known as flip-flaps :)
The plastic flip-flops as we know them today started to manufacture in 30-ies.
I personally love flip-flops, find them comfortable and very easy to wear.
It's a perfect pick when going to the beach, but you can "sport" them even around
the city when running errands or just having a relaxed coffee time with your friends.

Here are my favorite finds ( please click on the brand's name to be redirected to brand's
web site or web shop ):